Psychosocial Counseling Office

All employees can contact the Psychosocial Counseling Office, which was established in June 2011. It is independent, bound to confidentiality and focuses on psychological counseling in the context of work and the workplace:

  • Provides individual counseling in work and family stress situations
  • Identifies mental health problems (such as burnout, depression) and – where appropriate – initiates therapeutic treatment, thus providing support in bridging waiting times
  • Provides contacts and addresses
  • Provides crisis intervention in the case of accidents and psycho-social crises
  • Serves as contact person in case of mobbing
  • Provides conflict management along with moderation / mediation / assistance in clarifying situations for employees, executives and teams
  • Provides counseling in the case of difficult leadership situations
  • Participates in the design of working conditions and workplaces from a psychological perspective
  • Addiction prevention/handling of addictions and anxiety at Helmholtz Zentrum München

Health promotion:

  • Stress management/promotion of work motivation
  • Absence management, one-on-one meetings, participation in Corporate Integration Management meetings, advisory function
  • Promotion of a respectful leadership and communication style


FAQs about Psychosocial Counseling on Campus

The pandemic brings unprecedented challenges. Our psychosocial counseling service is, of course, still available to address your concerns. But when does it actually make sense to come for counseling? How does a counseling session work? Do the conversations remain confidential?

These and many other questions are answered in short video clips (please scroll down) by the psychologists Petra Ritter and Alexander Witt. In this way, you can gain an impression of their working methods as well as of the counseling personalities.

We hope you enjoy clicking through the video clips.